Protect your Catering Business with our easy to use legal templates made especially for you.
The Caterer Package
This package includes:
Client Terms and Conditions specifically for Catering;
Standard Website Terms & Conditions Template; and
Standard Privacy Policy Template.
You do nosh best. We do terms and conditions best.
Imagine putting these two things together. You’d be a force to be reckoned with.
We get that business has been tough for the last few years. Firstly, you had to deal with the chaos of the pandemic and now you are dealing with the rapid rise of costs of business. Rises in costs of perishable goods, increase in fuel prices, shortage of labour and wage increases are all on the list of things to worry about at the moment. We get it.
Over the last two years, we have taught caterers how to manage some of the uncertainties faced when doing the great work they do. You need to get the quoting and invoicing right. You need to have a solid non-refundable booking fee and a clear payment plan for your client in place. A clear postponement and cancellation policy is a must these days. You’re also likely needing to have your terms deal with changes to menu, increase or decrease of guest numbers, and arrangements for delivery or service of food and drink.
The good news is that our terms and conditions have you covered.
You get all of this in a downloadable word document so you can tailor the document however you need.
And importantly, they are clearly written without all of that silly legal jargon.
These terms have been written for the industry, by the industry.
Get stuck in by clicking the link below!
What will my client terms contain?
Clear and concise terms relating to your Booking Fee (or Deposit);
Well developed, structured postponement and cancellation terms that suit your specific business model;
Terms that deal with COVID-19 and general safety;
Processes for development of menu options;
Clauses relating to service of alcohol and liquor licensing;
Terms specific to damages, repairs and cleaning;
Force majeure for circumstances where governments prohibit services from being provided;
Terms specific to quotes, payments, and invoices;
Warranty, liability and indemnity clauses
and much more.